Being an influencer is all about having influence over your audience. The influence becomes stronger when the content is directed with the influencer’s creativity and individuality. This kind of content where the influencer has the agency and responsibility to generate the content the way they want is called Influencer Generated Content.

What is Influencer-generated content?

Influencer-generated content is content created by social media influencers as part of a collaboration with a brand. It is content that influencers produce for the brand as part of a sponsored campaign or partnership.

This content can take various forms, such as social media posts, blog articles, videos, or podcasts. It typically promotes the brand’s products or services and includes a call-to-action encouraging the influencer’s followers to engage with the brand.

Influencer-generated content is designed to be authentic and engaging, and it aims to leverage the influencer’s credibility and reach to promote the brand’s products or services to their followers. Brands often work closely with influencers to create content that aligns with the influencer’s niche and target audience and that resonates with their followers.

Influencer-generated content is a popular marketing strategy for brands looking to reach new audiences and increase their visibility. It allows brands to leverage the influencer’s credibility and reach to promote their products or services to a highly engaged and relevant audience.

What makes influencer-generated content authentic?

Influencer-generated content is considered authentic when it is perceived by the audience as genuine, honest, and trustworthy. Authentic influencer-generated content is essential to building trust with the audience, which is a critical factor in influencer marketing.

Here are some factors that contribute to the authenticity of influencer-generated content:

  1. Relevance: Authentic influencer-generated content is relevant to the influencer’s niche and audience. It should align with the influencer’s brand and values, and it should resonate with their followers.
  2. Voice: Authentic influencer-generated content should reflect the influencer’s voice and personality. It should not sound overly promotional or forced but instead feel like a natural extension of the influencer’s existing content.
  3. Transparency: Authentic influencer-generated content is transparent about the influencer’s relationship with the brand. The influencer should disclose any sponsored content, and their endorsement of the brand’s products or services should be genuine and based on their actual experience.
  4. Creativity: Authentic influencer-generated content should be creative and original. It should not feel like a cookie-cutter advertisement, but instead, it should showcase the influencer’s unique perspective and creativity.
  5. Engagement: Authentic influencer-generated content should encourage engagement with the audience. The content should invite the audience to ask questions, share their experiences, or provide feedback.

Overall, authentic influencer-generated content should feel like a natural fit within the influencer’s existing content and brand. It should be relevant, transparent, creative, and engaging to build trust with the audience and drive positive results for the brand.

Why do you need to know about Influencer-generated content?

If you are an influencer, you know your audience more than the brand. You know the content they want and can deliver it right further keeping it authentic with having your platform’s essence. The content is unique and expressive and can be repurposed by you as per your comfortability.

Now, if you are a brand you might be wondering about your authority over your own campaign? Well, don’t fret much even in cases where the influencer generates content, the brand has authority just with lesser responsibility. The screening and monitoring are done by the brand of the content and concept created by the influencer. However, the monitoring isn’t constant hence less pressurizing and allowing more space for creativity and uniqueness.


Benefits to the campaign

Your influencer marketing campaign is about informing, promoting and publicising which becomes more efficient and feasible. The above-mentioned generation of awareness about a brand, its services or campaign is possible through higher reach and impressions on the content created for the campaign. This becomes a reality when the content is of high quality and is made with keeping the comfort of the influencer in mind along with the preference of their audience.

Our conversation with Daxit from @dnamatched regarding Influencer Generated Content and its need had similar inputs from the famous influencer. Daxit, a famous blogger who covers content about travel, fashion, lifestyle and dance with his partner Aaisha pointed out that there is more creativity, engagement, authenticity and space for self-expression in IGC as compared to the branded content. He further made it clear, the reason he prefers the branded content is to avoid multiple reshooting and to adhere to strict monitoring from the brand. The influencer pointed out that when the deliverable is a long video, and you need to avoid reshoots then you can prefer branded content however there is always a drawback of lack of space and it not speaking to the audience more.

Influencer Generated Content

Top types of influencer-generated content to use on your website

Influencer-generated content can be a powerful tool for driving traffic, engagement, and sales to your website. Here are some of the top types of influencer-generated content that you can use on your website:

  1. Product reviews: Influencers can create in-depth product reviews that showcase your product’s features and benefits. These reviews can be published on your website’s product pages, providing valuable social proof for potential customers.
  2. Video content: Video content created by influencers can be highly engaging and effective in showcasing your products or services. Influencers can create product demos, tutorials, or other types of video content that highlight your brand.
  3. Social media posts: Influencers can create social media posts promoting your brand, products, or services, and you can embed these posts on your website to showcase social proof and encourage engagement.
  4. Blog articles: Influencers can write blog articles for your website that provide valuable insights, tips, or other types of content that align with your brand’s niche and target audience.
  5. Giveaways and contests: Influencers can help you create giveaways or contests that encourage engagement and increase brand awareness. These types of campaigns can be highly effective in driving traffic to your website.
  6. User-generated content: Influencers can encourage their followers to create user-generated content (UGC) related to your brand, and you can showcase this UGC on your website. UGC can provide valuable social proof and help build community around your brand.

Overall, influencer-generated content can be a powerful tool for driving traffic, engagement, and sales to your website. By working with influencers to create valuable and engaging content, you can increase your brand’s visibility, build trust with your audience, and drive positive results for your business.


Tell us what would you as an influencer or a brand prefer and why in the comment section below. Share it with people you think can benefit from it. And once you are done with all that, check how Wobb facilitates the needs of influencers and brands together!

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