Best Ideas Brands Can Adopt for Fashion Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is one of the best and most effective means for…

The Ultimate Guide to Influencer Marketing for Beauty Brands

Influencer marketing has grown in popularity as social media sites such as…

How to Create an Influencer Media Kit That Gets Brands’ Attention

If you are an influencer, be it a beginner or a well-established…

Top 10 Home Decor Influencers in India

Do you enjoy prints, textures, patterns, and colours? Are you looking for…

Importance of Hashtag in Influencer marketing campaign

Influencer marketing 101 is doing everything to make your content marketable and…

What Is Influencer-Generated Content? A Helpful Guide

Being an influencer is all about having influence over your audience. The…

Top Luxury Lifestyle Influencers In India

When asked “why is luxury influencing important?”, Jeremy C  one of the…

Doing the Instagram Giveaways the right way!

Instagram Giveaways have become the ultimate baiting tool to lure people to…

Influencers vs. Brand Ambassadors

The rising influencer market has left a good chunk of people finally…

Influencer Marketing Campaign Success with KPIs

Managing an influencer campaign on your own can be immensely handful and…