YouTube is clearly a wonderful complement to any marketing plan, with 62 percent of firms utilising it to promote their content. However, in order to make the most of it, you’ll need to attract people to watch your videos and subscribe to your channel without spending a lot of money. That’s why knowing how to advertise your YouTube channel for free is crucial. Here are eight free strategies to market your YouTube channel to that aim.

If you created a YouTube channel with the expectation of just publishing material and receiving a rush of subscribers without having to do anything else, we have some advice for you. It’s not enough to just create and publish material, even if it’s of excellent quality. You must advertise your YouTube channel in order for it to succeed. Don’t worry, advertising your YouTube channel does not have to be costly. In fact, we’ll show you how to advertise your YouTube channel for free in this post.

Promote Your YouTube Channel for Free

Create content worth Promoting

Yes, we understand that even the finest material in the world won’t help if no one sees it. The other side of it is that no one wants to see bad stuff.

So, if you want to market your YouTube channel successfully, you’ll need to fill it with material worth advertising. Otherwise, you’ll end up with mediocre YouTube video that viewers only watch once before never subscribing or engaging with.

YouTube SEO

SEO is the simplest and most cost-effective approach to advertise your YouTube channel for free. YouTube is not just a video-based social networking platform, but it is also the world’s second-largest search engine behind Google, with billions of queries each month.

To ensure that your material gets found on YouTube, utilise YouTube SEO to ensure that the correct keywords are included in your headlines, video descriptions, and tags.

YouTube SEO


Start with your theme to identify the ideal keywords for your YouTube clip. You may utilise the autosuggest feature in YouTube’s search box to help you choose keywords. There are also a plethora of YouTube SEO tools available to assist you in locating the keywords you’re looking for.

Video titles & descriptions

Once you’ve decided on your target term, include it in the title of your video, preferably at the start. Because the title of your video is the first thing viewers will see, it must be both catchy and organically incorporate your keyword.

Remember that in search results, Google will automatically reduce your video’s title to 66 characters, so use a title that falls inside that restriction.


Tags instantly inform the YouTube algorithm about the content of your video. Keep your tags relevant to your brand and content; don’t use irrelevant tags in the hopes of improving your ranking.

You might think so at first, but when viewers leave your video, YouTube’s algorithm will alter your ranking appropriately. After all, YouTube wants visitors to stay on their site, so if your material isn’t engaging them, it won’t be rated as highly.

Promote YouTube channel for free


Use Hashtags

For category labelling and search, YouTube, like many other social media sites, employs hashtags. More people will be able to locate your videos if you use hashtags. Plus, instead of adding videos to playlists, you may use hashtags to classify them (though we recommend that you create playlists, too).

YouTube only permits 15 hashtags per video; if you use more than that, all hashtags used in the video will be disregarded. Between 3–5 hashtags per video description appears to be the sweet spot.

Take the time to search those hashtags to see what comes up before you start typing them in. If a hashtag has a lot of low-quality material linked to it, you might not want to use it since your content will be associated with everything else that comes up. You may also build unique branded hashtags that, when followed, will drive visitors to more of your content.

Run a Contest

One of our favourite free methods to promote a YouTube channel is to hold a contest. Contests attract a lot of attention and, when done correctly, will increase your YouTube subscriber count without artificially inflating it with people who are only interested in the contest and aren’t interested in your brand or content.

To filter out those who aren’t truly interested, we propose giving away something directly connected to your niche. You should be able to come up with something intriguing to give away regardless of your niche. For example, if you’re a life coach, you might offer a free goal-setting session or even a month of weekly life counselling sessions. The greater the prize’s value, the more attention you’ll generate.

Remember that you’re hosting the contest to increase the number of subscribers to your YouTube channel. Make sure that subscribing to your channel is one of the requirements for entry!

YouTube Contest

Promote on Social media channels

You’ll need profiles on other social media sites in addition to your YouTube presence. Don’t worry, we’re not referring to all of them. Simply select the platforms where your target audience is most likely to congregate. Because Facebook and Instagram are still two of the most popular social media sites, we’ll show you how to advertise your YouTube channel for free on both platforms in this section.

Promote on Forums

One of the finest locations to promote your YouTube channel for free is on forums. Many forums, on the other hand, have a strict “no promotions” policy. To get around this, make sure you’re contributing something useful to the discourse.

Don’t just go in and leave with a link to your most recent YouTube video. Instead, interact with the members of the forum and only share material that will help them.

Collaborate with other Influencers

Collaboration with other YouTube producers and YouTube influencers is encouraged. This sort of cross-promotion benefits both parties and is an effective way to broaden your reach.

Collaborations are straightforward: two or more YouTubers team together to make a unique video for each of their channels. To make it happen, start by looking for a YouTube personality that has a similar audience to you. After that, establish contact and make your pitch.

Promote YouTube channel for free

Now you are all set to promote your YouTube Channel For Free!

You now know how to advertise your YouTube channel without spending any money. Despite the fact that YouTube is bursting to the seams with material, viewers are always asking for more.

You’ll need a good YouTube marketing plan that combines both paid and free advertising techniques to protect your videos from being lost in the shuffle.

When you’re just starting out, you may not have the financial resources to invest in sponsored advertising. You can gain more YouTube views, build your subscriber base, and manage your own narrative—all for free—if you follow the advice in this post.

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