Whenever you plan to launch an influential marketing campaign, you need to first find trusted influencers. You may have an amazing product and donate, but if you can’t find the right promoters to partner with, your campaign may fail. To find reliable ones, you need to look at their influencer engagement rate.

When we talk about the level of involvement of influencers, we are referring to the sense of commitment they have been able to generate among their online audience.

The level of influencer engagement is an important metric that serves as a strong predictor of whether your marketing campaign will be successful or not. Why? Because the results of a marketing action are often measured by looking at the responses received from social media users to messages published by the influencers of their social media feeds, which are often related to the product or its campaign.

What is Influencer Engagement

Influencer engagement rate rating is one of the most important KPIs in Influencer Marketing. It is an important parameter that allows brands to measure the level of communication between online audiences and marketing content, by analyzing likes, comments, duplicates and sharing, among other communications.

These responses can be any of the following:

  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Page visits
  • Video Views

Finding the total amount of engagement helps you calculate the engagement levels of influence. You can find the rate of impact involvement by dividing the total number of engagements by the number of followers. There may be a slight variation in this based on each communication platform.

Now that you know what engagement and engagement levels are influencing, let’s take a closer look at why it’s so important.

Influencer Engagement

Importance of Engagement Rate

Influencer engagement rates help you decide which product promoters to work with. With influential engagement levels, you can find out how influential content works on a variety of platforms.

Influential engagement rates can also help you get the ROI you can get from your influence campaigns. This is because rating can help you determine how well your audience responds to their content.

You can also use the engagement levels of influence as a benchmark to see if your campaign is successful or not. If your campaign engagement rate goes beyond their average, your campaign can be considered a success.

Similarly, if a rating appears to be lower than their average rating, it indicates that your campaign was not as successful as it could have been. This could mean that there may be some problems with the content that needs to be fixed in order to be effective.

It’s important to understand that if a person’s followers don’t engage with their posts regularly, they don’t really influence them. Having a large number of followers is not enough to influence. They need to improve their communication with their followers and spend time with them.

What is Important: Engagement or Reach

It is important to understand that access to a facilitator is not all that important. You should also consider the levels of involvement of influencers before deciding to work with them. This is because only engagement can bring people to your business. Accessibility, on the other hand, helps to spread product awareness.

Often, as the number of followers increases, engagement levels decrease. That’s why you need to find the right promoter who can bring both engagement and access.

Often, products reach out to major social media influences to increase brand awareness. On the other hand, if they want to produce sales or lead, they often work with small influencers with high levels of involvement including influencers.

Working with small influences can help you get the most out of your money. This is because they cost less, and their impact levels will be higher. As a result, the cost of each engagement will be significantly lower.

Instagram Engagement and REACH

How to Calculate Influencer Engagement Rate

As mentioned earlier, promoter engagement rate refers to the level of communication between their online audience and the content published by a marketing campaign. To make an engagement scale of impact, it is important to look at the number of likes and comments and other forms of communication.

If we want to calculate the engagement level of the profile, this data must be extracted by analyzing the intermediate links per post and dividing this number by the number of followers multiplied by 100.

Engagement Rate: (Total nº interactions / Reach of all actions) x 100


With Wobb, you don’t need to worry about calculating engagement rate. We have already done that for you.

Influencer Engagement Rate for Instagram

It is only natural that the levels of engagement on Instagram will be much higher than on Facebook. A similar study conducted by RivalIQ found that the average engagement rate on Instagram was 1.73%. On the other hand, the average engagement rate on Instagram was 1.87%. In addition, the engagement rate was much higher when the posts were photos or carousels.

The report also found that engagement rates vary significantly in number of followers. Those with less than 2000 followers received about 10.7% involvement. This figure dropped to 3.6% for those with 10,000-25,000 followers. Those with over one million followers received only an engagement rate of 1.5%

Influencer engagement


The impact level of engagement is one of the most important decision-making factors to consider when seeking influence. Engagement rates are typically declining as the number of followers increases.

Depending on the levels of engagement in each industry and the communication platform, you can determine how well your campaign is doing.

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